One of the great things about maternity leave (and having a smart phone) is that I have been able to catch up on blog reading and podcast listening. This has been a bit dangerous for stash aquisition, especially in light of the move, but has also led to me finally getting a swift and ball winder. When Jane Richmond announced she had gotten one on sale at Knit Picks, found myself adding it to my cart. Apparently she had also been winding her skeins by hand for years. Knitting life is so much better post-swift. I can't believe I put off getting one for so long. I think I was in denial about how much I actually knit. I'm still in denial about the size of the stash.
One podcast I've been listening to during my epic walks has been Never Not Knitting. I used to listen to Alana when I first moved to the US and was waiting for my work authorization. Then I got too busy with work and stopped listening to podcasts all together. I just finished the episode where she knit the Daphne and Delilah Monsters by Danger Craft and am now totally obsessed. It was really hard not to buy new yarn, but I had perfectly good Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in my stash. Besides, I'm still under the delusion that I will knit up most of my stash before we move (in 6 weeks - ha! I am so in denial).
Has anyone else knit these cute toys?
I'm waiting for her book to come in from the library so I can make some of these cute monsters.
Go ahead and get that swift and ball winder. I had B say the same thing to me when I got mine, "You knit that much?" The answer is yes.
Good luck with all the packing! Yarn is small and squishy so it doesn't really count, right?
Posted by: Choochie | October 19, 2011 at 05:44 AM